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Shutdown your Laptop using your Cell Phone from anywhere at your Home

Yes, you can shutdown your laptop using your smartphone from a distance place. Here, I used PHP script to perform the task. No apps to be downloaded in your smartphone. You just need to install wamp server in your laptop to run PHP script.

1. Download and install wamp server on your laptop.

2. Create a PHP script file as –


exec(“shutdown –s –t 00”);

Now create a directory “mylapi” in www directory of wamp server and put the shutdown.php file in the same directory.

3. Turn on wi-fi on your laptop.

4. Turn on the wi-fi hotspot of your smartphone.

5. Now, you will see your cellphone hotspot will be listed on wi-fi network list on your laptop. Just click on the network SSID e.g mywifi and checked connect automatically (to connect your laptop from far automatically) and click connect.

6. Go to start->run->cmd and type ipconfig

Now, you can find wi-fi IP Address of your laptop as “”

Great!... you have done almost all steps, now just need to use your cell to shutdown your laptop.

7. Open browser like chrome on your smartphone and type  
and click go

8. click on shutdown.php

Now, your laptop will shutdown instantly.

If any query mail me -->>

LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project)

The Linux Terminal Server Project adds thin client support to Linux servers. LTSP is a flexible, cost effective solution that is empowering schools, businesses, and organizations all over the world to easily install and deploy thin clients. 

New thin clients and legacy PCs alike can be used to browse the web, send e-mail, create documents, and run other desktop applications.

Main features:

* No Hard Disk require for the clients (Thin Clients) i.e clients boot from server connected to the network (Network Book).

* No separate software installation for each clients i.e any software can be installed in server and can be accessed or used from the clients as per administrator permission.

* No high configured clients require i.e clients with low configuration can also be worked smoothly.

* All clients can be centrally controlled by the server administrator.


Difference between White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers

White Hat – These are considered the good guys. White hat hackers don’t use their skills for illegal purposes. They usually become Computer Security experts and help protect people from the Black Hats.

Black Hat – These are considered the bad guys. Black hat hackers usually use their skills maliciously for personal gain. They are the people that hack banks, steal credit cards, and deface websites. 


Make your computer speak what you type

1. Open notepad

2. Type the below lines

Dim Message,Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

and save the files as speak.vbs
NOTE: when save file select file type All files.

3. Double click the file, it will display a window as show in the given picture.

4. Type the sentence that you wanna hear from your computer.

You will hear the sound of words from your system.

Its 100% working in all versions of windows computer.

Share your Android internet connection with your PC

Once done the steps shown in the above pictures, you’ve got a hotspot being broadcast! Go to your PC and you should find it in your list of wireless networks.


How to protect all sheets in excel at a time?

Run the below macro
Sub ProtectAll()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim Pwd As String
Pwd = InputBox("Enter your password to protect all worksheets", "Password Input")
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
wSheet.Protect Password:=Pwd, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True
Next wSheet
End Sub


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